Stationery & Text Books

Tuition fees do not include the cost of the stationery packs. Textbooks are provided, but workbooks and additional extras that may arise are billed to the parent. A stationery list is handed out during the fourth term of the previous year. All items on the list need to be brought to school on the first day. Note that it is not necessary to purchase new items each year. Using what you have is encouraged.

School Diary

A school diary is a compulsory item for grade 4-7 learners. It is viewed as a vital homework management tool and serves as communication tool as well for both parents and teachers. It is required to be brought to school every day. An A5/A4 Hardcover book which is listed on the stationery list id the Gr R-3 homework diary. This will go home populated by the teacher every day, and needs to be signed daily by parents.

iPads or Android Devices

Each learner from grade R to Grade 7 will be required to own their personal iPad or Android device for learning. These are to be brought to school daily and fully charged. All background updating and downloads are to be disengaged. We have limited bandwidth and any additional unnecessary usage cannot be accommodated. Any misuse of the device will result in the device being confiscated immediately and handed to the parent. The misbehaviour will be addressed between the teacher, parent and learner before the device is returned to the learner.


Download Stationery Lists on our Downloads Page